Thursday, November 19, 2009

ce vremuri!!!

ahahahaha:)) Ce vremuri Doamneee!!!
Ascult 2Pac. Ma despletesc si vorbesc cu oamenii care au facut parte din viata mea.
Husky sare cu o poza cu noi, culmea de cand aveam eu coditze:)) genialaaaa oo Doamnee c vremuri!
si apoiii dreacu da ruacker:))) oo Doamneeeee!!
da cum sa fi traim asemenea timpuri si acum sa nu mai fie nicaieri??
missin those timess so much. miss the life i had then. it will never be the same again.
but it's ok as long as i can keep it in myself. it's with me. i had it. i lived it. i carry it with me all ma life.
toti care m-ati atins vreodata in vreun fel sau altul...sunteti mereu acolo. pff, cat e de grav sa rememorezi impreuna cu cineva timpuri traite impreuna. genial.

some things will never be the same again... go there ma brotha tell 'em. cuz they don't know. one love to ma people wherever they r.

p.s. poate ca uneori e bine sa iei distanta fata de anumiti oameni, ca sa te reapropii de ei, reamintindu-ti de ce ati fost sau ati avut candva... who knows

1 comment:

TaOs said...

i know !!! distanta e esentiala !!! si meritaaaaaaaa thug lifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:X